
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Halo world :)

Hey world ! and every potato living in the planet earth! :) I wanted to do that one day ;) Okay, it took a million of years to write A POST, since this stupid computer don't work. Yes, our computer is old, - elderly, I prefer- and nowdays it figured out to turn the screen all pink and stuff. It is irratating- well, it is, shiny and all, and all the blinky effect it has, but you wouldn't understand. I almost grabed a hammer and brake my computer into like, millions of peices. What? I'm NOT quick temper okay? okayyyy smiles on ! :-) *PUTS ON A FAKE SMILE* ohh right, this blog, of Just Nikki, (Which I stole the title from my twin's blog JUST ALLIE, just search it in google, ) I'm gonna post random stufff, with a bit of sarcasm and humor, and what a teenage korean girl would like on her typical life ! Yay! *self applause * And also people who want to know about korea, or just i don't know, people in Korea. Now, enjoy people and potatos :)

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